Archive for July 2008

BlueInk CMS Product Blog

BlueInk is constantly getting updates and improvements. Below is a list of what's happened most recently.

Beta Release Feature log

In the last 6 months BlueInk has undergone a major overhaul. BlueInk version 1.0 was very similar to many other Content Management Systems (CMS) with one major exception: content and pages were two separate things. This distinction gave us options for building web sites with more flexibility than the competitors, but something was still missing. Enter BlueInk version 2.0!

BlueInk version 2.0 offers a departure from the typical "admin" section for managing a web site. BlueInk now sits atop your web site allowing you to view the page you're editing while you edit it. Along with this massive interface improvement, we've also added the following features to this new version:

  • Pages can now be reordered via drag-and-drop from the Pages Tree.
  • Massive speed boost via client-side caching goodness. (Thank you, YSlow!)
  • Pages can now be set to redirect to internal or external URL's rather than loading their content. This is handy for site restructuring.
  • Much faster URL resolution for quicker page load time.
  • Added the following Content Types:
    • Photos - Upload multiple photos at once, and edit them after uploading to customize their captions.
    • Galleries - Select photos to output in a "lightbox" style gallery. (More styles coming soon!)
    • Events - Input structured event information that will be output in the hCal Microformat for better findability by search engines such as Yahoo!'s SearchMonkey.
    • Calendars - Group various events and display them in an upcoming event list.
    • Documents - Upload multiple documents and link to them from within Text content items.
    • Audio - Upload multiple audio files at once, link to them, output an in-page player, and add them as posts to a Blog Page to create a Podcast.
    • Videos - Upload multiple video files at once and embed them into Text content items.
  • Added more complete Blog functionality:
    • Pages can have a "view type" of Blog allowing for content on that page to appear as blog posts with published dates.
    • RSS Feeds are generated for Blog Pages. Just add ".rss" to the end of that pages URL.
    • Commenting with CAPTCHA for humanity verification.
    • Override "published on" date for each blog post.
    • Drag-and-drop blog posts to various columns to present them as featured posts or smaller "quick posts."
    • Add non-blog content to any part of the blog page (even among posts). This is useful for running ads, displaying "about" paragraphs, or other ancillary content.
    • The number of visible Blog posts can be limited per Blog Page.
    • Each Blog generates an Archive that can display all posts within a given year, month, or day.
  • Made the following improvements to the Text content type:
    • Choose links directly from Photos, Documents, Video, and Audio content items.
    • Embed Flash video or other Flash animations into pages.

Published on July 30, 2008 at 9:06 am |

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